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Park Meadows Elementary School

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Park Meadows Elementary School
Home of the Scorpions!

Gentle Reminders

  • Completing your homework in a timely manner will ensure success. Turn in your work often and on time!
  • Remember to dress appropriately for school and weather everyday. The weather can be chilly and so can the classrooms and hallways.
  • If hats are worn at school, they must be put in backpacks during the day UNLESS going to PE or recess. HATS will not be worn in hallways or classrooms.
  • There is NO GUM allowed on campus - IF you choose to chew gum, then YOU choose a detention!
  • ALL students should be working on daily homework or Projects - The 6th grade policy is that for every 3 times you do not turn in homework, be it new or the same assignment, you will be assigned an after school or before school detention (teacher assigned). If you have detention you may not attend extra-curricular activities, such as Scratch or may not be able to attend future field trips.
  • Remember our 3 B's - Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be Safe!!!