Three types of grades are earned in band:
- Performance
- Tests/Quizzes
- Daily Performance At the end of the grading period, all grades earned will be averaged to arrive at your basic grade.
Performance Grade – Performances are a very important part of the curriculum and attendance of every student is both needed and expected. Performances are truly a group effort and it is critical to continued growth and success that everyone is in attendance. A Performance schedule will be handed out to all students. You should review this schedule with your parents and put the dates on your family calendar so that no conflicts arise. If an unavoidable conflict does come up, you must notify the director with a note from your parent/guardian at least two weeks prior to the performance date. The note must describe the specific reason for your absence so that the director can determine if you may be excused. Two weeks’ notice will give the band ample time to rehearse without you for the performance. A note asking to excuse you from a performance less than one week prior to performance, or after the fact, cannot be accepted (except for in emergency circumstances). For pre-excused absences, the student will be required to do a make-up assignment in order to receive credit.
Below are the requirements for performance grades:
A – You arrive on time for the warm-up, are dressed appropriately, and demonstrate
appropriate concert etiquette both on stage and in the audience.
C – You fulfill all but one of the requirements for an “A”.
D – You fulfill all but two of the requirements for an “A”.
F – You fail to fulfill three of the requirements for an “A”.
An unexcused absence from any performance, including performances not yet scheduled, will result in a GRADE of “F” for that performance. You may also be required to attend a conference with the director to reevaluate your participation in a musical performing group.
Tests and Quizzes Grade – Music students will have written music theory quizzes approximately every 1-2 weeks, usually on a Friday. These quizzes will cover the music theory taught during class and will be an average of 10 questions. Students will also periodically have playing tests done in class. I am dedicated to doing my best to help all students achieve mastery in the content being taught in class. All students will have the opportunity to retake written/playing quizzes as many times as necessary during the unit. Retakes may be done before or after school or at lunch by appointment. Extra help is available for students to achieve mastery on all units. Students should see their director to schedule a time to receive extra help.
Daily Performance – Students will be given a grade for daily performance. This grade will include: having your instrument, having your music, having a pencil, being engaged in all band activities happening in the classroom, and having appropriate behavior.