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Park Meadows Elementary School

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Park Meadows Elementary School
Home of the Scorpions!

Student Expectations: It is important that our class is a family and shows respect to everyone. Ms. Horn and her Hedgehogs are expected to work together and respect the learning of all students. We will talk things out when problems arise and work together to find solutions. Homework is rarely assigned, but we are expected to turn in our homework when it is assigned. All students are held to high expectations, and we will work together to help all students get there.

Parent/Guardian Expectations: It is important that we work together as a team to support the students. ClassDojo is my form of communication with parents and guardians. Please make sure you join our class so that you are up-to-date on things going on in class, and so we can communicate quickly and easily throughout the year.  Adults should also check the student's backpack frequently for work that is sent home, as well as check PowerSchool to stay on top of grades.