My name is Mr. Kent, and I am currently a 4th grade teacher at Park Meadows Elementary. I am extremely excited to be a part of the Park community. I have been a part of this region since 2005 when I started working in the DVUSD at Village Meadows. I look forward to all the great learning opportunities to come. I have been teaching elementary school since 1999, and improved myself exponentially since the first year. I have taught fourth grade for over a decade, sixth grade for a few fun years, and fifth for four years, some of them in the Washington Elementary School District. I am a fourth generation teacher so I have been around teachers my entire life. I began college thinking that a career in business was for me, but quickly learned otherwise. I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Elementary Education and an emphasis in Early Childhood. I am constantly continuing my education, especially in the area of technology.