Language Arts
Our language arts program will be divided into and taught in four different areas using the Into Reading Curriculum; Guided Reading, Writing, Phonics and Whole Group Instruction. The combination of these four areas will provide a strong language foundation. Guided reading will be taught through a variety of fiction and nonfiction literature both in small and large group settings. Your child will write each day using our Into Reading Curriculum. Phonics will be taught through a hands-on approach that builds phonemic awareness, letter/sound recognition and improves decoding skills. Your child will have the opportunity to work each day independently at his/her own level! This is a great way to build self confidence and a life-long love for reading.
Please see the lesson plan page so you know what your child will be learning each week.
Language Arts - Writing
Your child will write each day. We will follow the writing curriculum incorporated in our Into Reading curriculum. We will use different methods for writing such as: journal writing, thinking maps and interactive journals. These will help each child develop their writing skills. Class journals will not come home until the end of the year.
Also, handwriting will be taught throughout the curriculum. We will focus on the correct formation of each letter. Please encourage your child to write each letter correctly. A handwriting sheet will come home within the first weeks of school so you can help your child at home.
iReady is the adopted math curriculum of the Deer Valley Unified School District. The program provides a balance of concepts and skills. Traditional skills and procedures are covered through hands-on practice. Our concepts include:
- Writing numbers 0 to 20 (in and out of order)
- recognize numbers to 20
- Verbally counting to 100 from ANY given number
- Geometry (2D & 3D shapes)
- Measurement
- Number pairs & addition and subtraction to 10
- Composing and decomposing numbers
Reading Groups
Our class will be participating in both Small Reading Group and Whole Group instruction. These reading groups will help us provide a more individualized instruction to help meet the needs of all children. Small Reading Groups will meet each week in an independent learning format. Whole group instruction will be teacher directed. Students are grouped and regrouped according to their own instructional needs.
Social Studies and Science
We will use the My Science program adopted by our district. This program is a hands on approach to teaching science. The units include:
- Animals
- Trees & Weather
- Wood & Paper
For Social Studies, we will be use the district adopted Harcourt Series. The topics include:
- Being a Good Citizen
- My Country
- Workers
- Where We Live
- Stories from the Past
- Time Goes By
Technology will be incorporated into the curriculum and used to enhance student learning. Students will have the opportunity to explore different types of technology and use a variety of computer software. We are excited to have a smartboard and iPads in our room for each child to use. We currently use the following programs: iReady and Amplify. Parent letters will go home at the beginning of the year so that the students can log in at home.
Homework assigned in our class will consist of activities that reinforce what has been taught/learned in class and that actively involve learning. Homework activities that are sent home are for you to use and keep. If you need any additional work for your child, please let me know and I can send them home.
A variety of assessment tools will be used in kindergarten. These include daily observations, Kindergarten benchmark tests, Rigby Reader leveled reader assessments, unit written assessments, writing portfolios, and DIBELS Reading Assessments. Report Cards will also be sent home quarterly (October, December, March and May).