Welcome to the SCORE Program!
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year! We are so Excited to Start the SCORE Autism Program at Park Meadows! This program will be focused on students individual needs and skills. We are excited to build in Academics, Life skills, Social Skills, and Communication in to our curriculum.
I believe the connection between home and school is essential and your support is a large part of your child’s success in school and beyond. I can’t wait to get to know your family throughout the school year! This Year I will be using Class Dojo for communication with Families. There will be directions on how to sign up in their folder. Feel free to contact me at any time with questions, comments, or concerns.
Throughout the school year, your child will grow socially, emotionally, and academically. I hope to make your child’s learning experience a fun and exciting time. I will strive to instill a love of learning that will last a lifetime. We will accomplish this goal with joint cooperation between the student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and teachers.
Please feel free to contact me through Class Dojo (A free app you can download to your phone, or access online at classdojo.com). I can be more successful in meeting the needs of your child when our lines of communication are open. Another point of contact would be through email at: allison.tedford@dvusd.org.